April 9th 
We have arrived at Holy Week. This week is a week to ask where you find yourself in the story. This week is a week to pry and then decide what kind of a follower of Christ you are going to be - for this Holy Week, and from now on. 

April 8th
Jesus caused those in positions of power to be uncomfortable and challenged by his words I AM. Jesus was no stranger to religious conflict, nor are we. Let us today pry for peace and take action on behalf of justice. 

April 7th
All we need to do is read the about the works of Jesus and we should be convinced that He loves us and that he is who he says he is, the Messiah, sent here to save us. We know this and believe this because of the works of the Father. 

April 6th
Jesus calls himself I Am as is explained "If I give you a name for me - I will be ordinary. I will be like each of you who has a name. You will not receive a human-sounding name for me. Because I AM eternal. I existed before you. I existed in a way that does not require a name. 

April 5th 
Lent is about freedom. It is a time of spiritual renewal we we try to make more time for prayer, scripture and time with our Lord. We do these things to free ourselves from whatever is holding us back from God. Seek Him today so you can do toward him and away from sin. 

April 4th
We have the Bible as guide for how Jesus would have us live. If we do our best each day to live by that guide then we are truly His. Have you read His word today?

April 3rd
It's easier to see the fault the others then it is to see it in ourselves. We are all sinners. Instead of finding the sin in others let us work on our own sin so that we can be closer to God.

April 2nd
We are often bound by sin and an unwillingness to forgive. Jesus is waiting for us in merciful love and tender compassion to set us free from sin. Will you be set free today?

April 1st 
God is there waiting for us to seek Him with our whole heart. What does this mean? It means we are praying, we are reading scripture and we are listening for Him intently. Are you seeking God today?

March 31st
God wants us to see everything we have and all our current circumstances as good. It's difficult to understand the will of God and we may not ever really understand. But we must know that God loves us and be thankful for that love for us. 

March 30th 
God tells us that all we have to do is call on him and he will be near. Remember today that when you need him he will be there. 

March 29th
“Walking in the light” means we consider Jesus as “the light” in this world, and we “walk” in that light by following His precepts, living in His power, and growing in His grace. Are you walking in the light?

March 28th
It's a comforting thought that Jesus has overcome the world. If we believe in him we are not alone and we will have peace. Do you believe?

March 27th
Rest assured God hears our voice and God grants us mercy.

March 26th
Jesus opened the eyes of a man who had been blind since birth. Jesus can open our eyes too so that we may see with clear vision his plan for us. All we have to do is ask Jesus to open our eyes.

March 25th
God will never forsake us. All we have to do is trust in Him and realize that He will never give up on us. Trust in Him today.

March 24th
God wants a relationship with us. That means we must listen to what God is telling us on a daily basis, not just on Sundays. To build a strong relationship takes time. Will you spend some time with God today?

March 23rd
This scripture reminds us how important it is to be generous. If we are truly generous in our hearts and give to others who are in need we may soon notice that others are generous with us as well. Are you generous with your giving?

March 22nd
We can always believe God's word. And we can always count on God to protect us. How do we learn more about what God's promises are and what it God's way? We must read His word and go to Him in prayer? Have you talked to God today?

March 21st
Love is the key to it all. God loves us this much and we should love God this much. If we love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all out strength we will be able to face anything in our daily lives. How much do you love God?

March 20th
Forgiveness is difficult. But throughout the bible we are told to forgive. This scripture reminds us just how important forgiveness is to Jesus. It's something we really must do. Is there someone you need to forgive today?

March 19th
John 4:5-42 tells the story of Jesus talking to an elderly Samaritan woman and telling her everything she had done. What would it be like if Jesus visited us and told us all we had done? Let us ask Jesus today to guide us in preparation, true preparation, for his coming.

March 18th
What a great scripture to be able to quote in times of need. Keep this passage with you and take it repeat it in times of need.

March 17th
Today's scripture reminds us how important it is to set an example for others. It is often difficult but we never know who we are helping by being a good example ourselves.

March 16th
The Spirit dwelling and working in believers, is as a fountain of living, running water, out of which plentiful streams flow, cooling and cleansing as water. Do you believe?

March 15th
These scripture verses remind us that our ways are not His ways. To follow Jesus we must walk the rutty way to Calvary. Reading scripture helps us to learn the way of Jesus. What will you read today?

March 14th 
The world today is full of people that are full of pride. This scripture reminds us to be humble before God. Let us be humble today and everyday as we embrace the spirit of Christ and live as one.

March 13th 
We are so blessed that Jesus does not judge us, the He is not hard on us and the He forgives us. Let us do the same for others as Jesus has done for us.

March 12th
Can you think of a place where you visited and could feel the Lord's presence? Imagine what it must have been like for Peter, James and John to witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. Jesus is with us every day, all the time even though it may not feel that way. I hope today you will experience a Transfiguration experience.

March 11th
This scripture can be very difficult to follow but it is something that God calls us to do. Let us focus our kindness on someone needs a little neighborly love. Do you have an enemy that needs to witness God's love?

March 10th
Take time during Lent to reconcile with those in your lives that you have grievances with. The Lord wants us to forgive others and reconcile with each other so that he can forgive us in the same way

March 9th
It is written, "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him." God loves us and wants us to seek him and ask him. Will you seek him today?

March 8th
So many prophets were rejected in their time. How is it that we cannot recognize a prophet including Jesus? The answer must lie in our sin. Humanity must recognize our sin, repent and follow Jesus. What a great time to do that.

March 7th
Jesus taught us to pray a simple, straightforward prayer and he taught us to trust that God knows what we need. Praying the Lord's Prayer reminds us that we are people who praise God, who bow and humbly seek his care and that we need forgiveness and to offer forgiveness. Pray the Lord's Prayer today.

March 6th 
Sheep tend to follow the shepherd where as goats tend to be more inquisitive and often get into trouble. In our scripture today we are reminded that Jesus knows his sheep and they know him. Be sure that you stay a strongly rooted member of the believing flock by reading your Bible and praying daily.

March 5th
Each time Jesus was tempted by Satan he quote's scripture. What do we as Christians do when we are tempted? If we are in the Bible often, we will be able to answer our tempters with the truth in God's word. Have you read from your Bible today?

March 4th
Lent is a good time to examine ourselves and how we interact with others. Are you being a good listener, are you greeting them kindly, did you think about how to make their day a little better? Did you show you are a Christian?

March 3rd
“Take up your cross and follow Me” means being willing to die in order to follow Jesus. It’s a call to absolute surrender. He said, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:24-25). Although the call is tough, the reward is matchless.

March 2nd
How often do you pray? Praying should be like breathing, easier to do than not to do. Prayer is a form of obedience to God. If Jesus thought it was worthwhile to pray, shouldn't we also?

March 1
Lent is a time of repentance and preparation for Easter. The forty days of Lent represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness enduring Satan's temptation. As Christians, Lent is a time to focus on our relationship with God. What will you do during Lent to improve your relationship with God. Join us here for a scripture each day through Lent that we hope will help you in your journey.